Starting Up A Private Counseling Practice What Are The Different Types Of Counseling Positions Available With A BA?

What are the different types of counseling positions available with a BA? - starting up a private counseling practice

I have a degree in social sciences and I am in receipt of an MFT interested and open a private practice, and before that, but I have some practical experience before the engagement. And I want to know what all (or almost the possibilities) are discussed. So far, I know they are available:

1) The consultant and alcohol addiction ....
Behavioral therapist, 2) for at-risk youth
3) behavioral therapist for children with autism and other disorders
4) Working with older people as caregivers
Advisor Contacts 5)

What are the opportunities for BA?
My biggest concern is how to deal with people with everyday problems - depression, fear, love - problems ... seems to be necessary for these issues MFT


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