Japanese Wedding Verses My Friend Is Going To A Traditional Japanese Wedding, What Do You Suggest As A Wedding Present?

My friend is going to a Traditional Japanese wedding, what do you suggest as a wedding present? - japanese wedding verses

My friend goes to a traditional Japanese Kobe marriage, what would you recommend as a gift?


N123 said...

The Japanese do not often wedding gifts. It is customary to purchase a special envelope (typically in convenience stores and even at places like Office Depot in Japan), and add ¥ 30,000 - ¥ 50,000 or so. ($ 300 - $ 500). Then send the envelope containing money to the person the names of the wedding guests. Japanese weddings are extremely expensive for the expected guests that while so much like a marriage, to marry in some costs for offset pair.

George M said...

This could be some mochi "/ Daifuku" traditional (I think in Japanese), sweet rice flour balls with sweet azuki beans inside. Super cheap if you can find. probably a bit hard to find. other wise

http://japanesefood.about.com/od/japanes ...

bit hard to make good

greenize... said...

Is it a Japanese theme today? Some of the registry is always a safe bet, but if it is not possible, try to make a sushi kit or a fountain or some nice framed Japanese prints can be hung in your home.

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